Do you have pain in a particular part of your back, arm, or leg? Do you have symptoms like weakness, burning, tingling, numbness, or a cold water sensation running up or down your arm or leg? It may...
Healthy Tips
How to Protect Your Back
Have you ever felt low back pain after doing too much the day before? One of the major causes of low back pain is repetitive injury to the spine. Repetitive injuries can be as simple as picking up...
How to Stay Active at Work
Having a desk job may often keep you from moving about in a natural fashion. The less you are active, the more you will experience fatigue and stiffness, both mentally and physically. Taking the...
5 Ways Physical Therapy Can Put the Spring Back in Your Step!
Do you currently have an acute or chronic pain condition affecting your daily life? Maybe you’re struggling with back pain, a sports injury, or impairments following an auto accident. Perhaps you...
5 Quick Tricks to Stay Active!
As humans, we are on a never-ending hamster wheel that demands we get as much done as possible, but it’s time that we all become a little more realistic about what is and isn’t possible through...
Treating Arthritis Pain the Natural Way!
You’ve probably heard of people with arthritis turning to steroid injections, antirheumatic drugs and joint replacement surgery to cope with pain. And in some cases, these more aggressive treatments...
Tension Headaches: How to Handle Them
Of the four distinct types of headaches — tension, migraine, sinus and cluster — the tension type is the most common. Of course, stress is a natural reaction to stimuli and can keep us safe from...
7 Tips for Relieving Pain From Herniated Discs
Do you experience achy or sharp radiating pain to your shoulder, arm, buttock or leg? This may be an indicator of a bulging or herniated disc in the neck or back. Between each of the vertebrae that...
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